Multifunctional Furniture For Classrooms, Labs & Libraries
Students need an environment that promotes engagement in the classroom, and teachers need multifunctional furniture that saves space and serves multiple purposes. With modern design and consideration for technology, Interior Concepts has created several school furniture solutions that bring the needs of the students and teachers together.
Furniture for Learning Spaces
Frame2 Collection: Unique to this school furniture manufacturer, the “tubex” system is present throughout their whole collection. Included in this collection are chargers, project tables, desks and the best part is all can be mixed and matched. The Frame2 boasts flexibility in the configuration based on the need or purpose of the set.
From the classroom to the computer lab, the furniture that forms a student’s experience matters. Multifunctional furniture is designed to facilitate student engagement, connections with teachers, and collaboration with one another. The traditional desks found in classrooms of yesteryear don’t support individualized learning or peer-to-peer collaboration. To create better learning environments and prepare students with soft skills that are in high demand from today’s employers, multifunctional furniture for learning spaces is essential.
EnerGEE! Rechargeable Battery Accessory: Technology is a major part of today’s classrooms. About 63 percent of K–12 teachers use technology in the classroom daily, so having a convenient way to keep laptops and tablets charges is key to success. The EnerGEE! Rechargeable Battery Accessory allows any USB charged device, like phones or tablets, to remain charged for hours without being connected to building power. Your classroom, library, or media room will be a space for technology-based learning without the search for a wall outlet.
Changing your classroom furniture may seem like a minor design detail, but the right furniture for learning spaces ignites collaboration and engagement from your students.
Seating and Occasional Tables
Dot Table: This interesting piece of school furniture makes a nice addition to the collaborative furniture found in classrooms and libraries alike. Small groups appreciate the simplicity of the table when paired with the Otto seating line of furniture from Interior Concepts.
Otto Soft Seating from Interior Concepts is designed for people, books, laptops and more. The soft seating and occasional tables can be used in a variety of spaces, like lounges, media centers, libraries, learning commons, classrooms, and more.
Utilizing multi-functional furniture in a variety of spaces means learning isn’t confined to a specific room or lab. The Otto line can be combined with other Interior Concepts school furniture solutions to create a custom experience for your students. Choose from round, square, or rectangular seating and tables. The two stool heights make the furniture line ideal for students of all ages and the fun angles and shapes create a fun learning environment. Use the individual pieces to create a lounge environment or add the stools to classroom tables for comfortable, mobile seating.
Storage Options
Catch All Storage: Not all storage is created equal. Interior Concept’s Catch All Storage products are adjustable with double or single shelves, configuration possibilities due to room size restrictions and leveling guides that are adjustable. This line offers well over 10 options for finishing and is built for rooms such as admin offices, break rooms, classrooms, laboratories, and technology rooms.
The A.T. Equipment Sales team can help you integrate innovative furniture solutions seamlessly into a lab, library or classroom of any size. Promote a culture of learning and prepare students for today’s professional world.